Take a seat, relax, feast and enjoy …
Friendly ambience with summer terrace and lounge for celebrations. Our guests can choose from a wide variety of dishes, be it soup, salad, pasta or game.. Zakončete návštěvu třeba moučníkem a italskou kávou.
A jak bývá zvykem, po dobrém jídle něco na slehnutí. Na přání ugrilujeme i divočáka nebo selátko.
The restaurant is open od pondělí do soboty 15:00 – 22:00 (the kitchen is open until 9 p.m.). Unfortunately, we do not offer lunch for individual clients, but large groups can be arranged.
Host a wedding, corporate event, family celebration, school reunion or other important event.
We can open the restaurant for the whole day and prepare refreshments according to your wishes for private events